Adoption success
Ballast will owe its success to the thousands of community members that join its journey early. These early community members will naturally serve as responsible stewards of Ballast.
15% of BLT 150,000,000 BLT
will immediately be claimable by historical liquidity providers and users, based on a snapshot ending at a defined date.
The above 15% is divided up as per follows
4.91664% pro-rata to all historical main-net LPs 49,166,400 BLT
~49 million BLT will be claimable by historical liquidity providers. The formula accounts for LP liquidity on a per-second basis since the deployment of Ballast, ensuring that rewards are weighted towards LPs that provided liquidity when total liquidity was low.
7.08336% split evenly across all historical main-net user addresses 70,833,600 BLT
3% split evenly across all historical test-net user addresses 30,000,000 BLT
Last updated